Max Verstappen sends a massive message to Toto Wolf regarding his criticizing

The rivalry between Red Bull and Mercedes has not manifested itself on the track this season as Red Bull is clearly leading by their car performance compared to all other teams, hope outside of the races this season this rivalry seems

far from over from time to time someone from one of the team provoke the rival team, recently Mercedes Toto Wolff made some comments belittling Max Verstappen achievement suggesting that this records are merely Wikipedia entries and has no significance naturally Verstappen did not let this statements go unnoticed in Singapore when asked about Wolff comments he respondent directly that he was not disappointed by the remarks and implying that Wolff was just disappointed

about the poor performance of Mercedes at that time, Verstappen even went that far as to suggest that Wolff seemed like an employee of his own team however he added this was not the case Furthermore Verstappen sent a message to the Mercedes boss saying that Wolff should focus more on his own team and help it recover much like Red Bull did when there were trailing behind Mercedes a few years ago. He suggested that instead of criticizing Wolff should draw inspiration from and appreciation work Weldon by Red Bull using it as a motivation to bring Mercedes back into the fight, Verstappen is known for not hesitating to respond to criticizing but the question is do you agree with him when he said

Toto Wolff sometimes seems like an employee of Red Bull due to how often he talks about them.

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