As Birmingham City’s rut continues Wayne Rooney’s future and transfers are being discussed.

After a poor start to the Wayne Rooney era, Birmingham City are licking their wounds in the third international break of the season.

Under Rooney, the Blues have lost four of their five games. including the 3-1 loss to Sunderland at the Stadium of Light on Saturday. While it hasn’t been the ideal start for Rooney or owners Knighthead, winnable games are on the horizon.

After the international break, the Blues face bottom-of-the-table Sheffield Wednesday, followed by games against Blackburn Rovers and Rotherham. The first victory of the Rooney era is expected soon.

In the latest Keep Right On podcast, Alex Dicken (AD) and Brian Dick (BD) discussed Blues issues in depth. Check out the Q&A section transcript below…

When do we have to admit that this isn’t working because we can’t afford to abandon it like we did with Zola?

“I would say they probably judged the Zola decision about right because they ended up staying up on the season’s final day.” At the end of that season, Redknapp was given three games. It’s difficult to say when or how long you should give it because it depends on the league table.

“At this point, let us assume that the worst-case scenario is that nothing improves. I’d like to think there’s a better set of owners and more building expertise than there was in 2017. I don’t think it’s going to get to that point.”

“I think as long as the Blues aren’t in serious trouble this season and have a big enough buffer between themselves and the relegation zone, they might let it ride.” There is a lot at stake. Knighthead wants Wayne Rooney to be their manager, so I believe they will give it their all. Whether this season is Rooney’s settling in period and next season is when the Blues can bring in more of his players and have a go, they will give him every opportunity to succeed here. They’ve made a big decision and don’t want it to backfire.”

I heard before Wayne Rooney came in that he was a brilliant man manager, but looking at body language on the sidelines, that doesn’t appear to be the case. Do we know how the players feel about him and his backroom team?

“I’ve heard a lot of good things about Wayne Rooney’s relationship with the players,” AD says. Dion Sanderson stated over the weekend that he has been outstanding. I’ve spoken with two or three of them, and they’ve all expressed their admiration for him behind the scenes.

“I can tell from speaking with him that he is quite empathetic, which is a good thing in football and resonates well with players.” He has stated that his door is always open to players with problems and that he is very approachable. Some of these Blues players might not have expected that given his name and stature in the game, but from what I’ve heard, he is.”

“I believe he will be well liked,” says BD. Concerning the coaching staff, I spoke with Ethan Laird after the Ipswich game, and when I asked him about Ashley Cole, his eyes lit up. He was effusive and lavish in his praise for Ashley Cole. Ashley Cole is widely regarded as a brilliant coach.”

How many players do you think we’ll be able to acquire in January? It is clear that a lack of squad depth has a significant impact later in games.

“I asked him about this last week, about how much wiggle room he has and how many deals can be done, because we know that Blues are working against a backdrop of Financial Fair Play issues and must conform.” The key thing he said was, ‘It depends where we’re at,’ which suggests to me that it depends where they are in the league, whether they are in contention for promotion or if they are in trouble and need to sign players to avoid relegation. I believe the majority of the business will be completed next summer because there are so many players coming off the books, many of whom are high earners.

“He did say there are players who he would like to bring in. They might have to move things around for that.”

How much of an impact do you believe the loss of Lee Buchanan and Keshi Anderson has had on the team?
“There weren’t many players who came for a higher transfer fee than Buchanan, and they also gave him a five-year contract,” AD said. Nobody else got a five-year contract, I believe. In the first seven games, I was very impressed with him. He’s the best left-back at the club and allows you to play a back three. Without Buchanan, the team’s balance has been off.

“Keshi was a bit of a gamble in the summer and had to earn his spot on the team through a trial.” He was the best player in pre-season and started every game until he was injured against QPR. In those matches, he looked sharp. If Rooney plays a 4-3-3 with Anderson, he could play in central midfield. He’s played there before and mentioned it to me during an interview last summer. Anderson will play in one of the wide roles if this box formation is used. He’s such an astute footballer that he provides you with a viable option.”

















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