Danny Röhl is happy to compromise one of his ideal transfer principles as the club head into the final days of their mission to boost the battle for Championship survival.

Wednesday have signed two loan players to their roster so far: goalkeeper James Beadle and striker Ike Ugbo, both of whom had existing loan deals elsewhere before joining S6. Over two weeks have gone since Ugbo’s arrival, and Röhl has provided a blunt perspective of how business has been going, characterizing the experience as ‘difficult’ with agreements said to have fallen through late in the process.

The Owls have clawed their way back from an apparently hopeless position in the battle for survival, trailing by five points with 18 matches remaining. Röhl has made no secret of his desire to bring in a number of new players before the transfer market ends on Thursday night. He has made it clear from the outset of his stint in South Yorkshire that his preferred profile of players to bring in is centered on youth and vitality. Beadle is 19, Ugbo is 25, and the two transfers said to have gone some way down the road before failing late on were Conor Coventry (23), and Mike Biereth (20).

Wednesday’s roster is already experienced, and while Röhl’s desire for youth remains, he told The Star that he is not picky about the age of the players the club may want to sign in the coming days. He said that the goal is on quick impact and the capacity to assist the Owls stay in the championship. ‘Bigger picture’ signings would be nice, but given the club’s current condition, they can wait.

“In our situation, we need to consider what possibilities we have. It does not mean that it is instantly about age; rather, it is about who can help us right away,” he remarked. “I prefer the profile of having young players who can take the next step, but it doesn’t mean we’re excluding experienced players. This is the transfer window, and it is January; it may be more difficult than in the summer, when you can prepare.

“It is frequently easier to get the profiles you desire, especially given your age. I’m seeking for performance. If the performance is good, I will not consider age and will focus on how the new player can help us.”



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