‘Flyers’ Coach John Tortorella Refuses to take questions from Journalist Anthony SanFilippo over past cutter

Fierce confrontations in sports are not limited to the playing fields, but can often flow over into the press room—and very dramatically, as evidenced by a recent conversation between Flyers coach John Tortorella and journalist Anthony Sanfilippo.

This animosity stems from a report between Cutter Gauthier and Kevin Hayes, both well-known sports figures.

This tense scene arose during a press conference conducted following the Flyers’ sixth consecutive loss.

Tortorella, clearly unhappy with the team’s performance, faced yet another challenge in the shape of controversial journalist Anthony SanFilippo of the Snow the Goalie Podcast.

Tortorella did not hold back, refusing to answer any questions from SanFilippo, which was captured on camera for all to see.

“Are you the guy from last time? I am not answering any of your queries.” – John Tortorella

The underlying reason for this brief but profound exchange may be traced back to a rumour, which was appropriately broadcast on the fast expanding platform of social media.

SanFilippo, a journalist, was instrumental for spreading the rumour that Kevin Hayes had successfully persuaded Cutter Gauthier to withdraw from playing for Philadelphia.

This rumour was not taken lightly, especially by the angry team coach.

Tortorella vented his rage and frustration at SanFilippo during a follow-up press conference the day after the news of Cutter Gauthier’s move leaked.

“Are you kidding me?” Do you believe Kevin Hayes would do something like this? That is ridiculous. – John Tortorella, the day after Cutter Gauthier was moved to Anaheim.

Kevin Hayes did not remain silent throughout this confrontation. He, too, expressed his unhappiness in an Instagram video posted by SanFilippo, stating that Hayes was responsible for Gauthier’s decision not to play for Philadelphia.

Hayes took a direct and firm approach, displaying his hatred for the rumour and its source.

“This guy is a c****** clown and he makes shit up.” – Kevin Hayes on Instagram.

Bridging this chasm does not appear to be easy. It appears like SanFilippo’s apology to Tortorella may be the only way to break the ice.

Until then, it is reasonable to anticipate that Tortorella will continue to refuse any news conference interaction with SanFilippo.





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